large wall art behind sectional sofa

Decorating a large living room wall

Decorating a large living room wall can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can transform your space into a stunning focal point. From choosing the right artwork to incorporating mirrors and shelves, there are various design elements to consider. In this blog, we will discuss how to make the most of your living room wall space, create a gallery wall, and avoid common decorating mistakes. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to decorating a large living room wall that truly reflects your personal style and enhances the overall ambiance of your living space.

Understanding Your Living Room Wall Space

Before embarking on any design project, it’s essential to understand the space you’re working with. In the case of a large living room wall, the room’s proportions, architectural design, and natural light play a crucial role in determining the overall feel of the space. The wall space should be seen as a canvas, ready to be adorned with decor that complements the room’s unique features. By understanding your living room wall space, you can make informed decisions about the type of wall decor, placement, and overall design that will work best in your space.

Importance of Wall Proportions

When it comes to decorating a large living room wall, the importance of wall proportions cannot be overstated. Properly proportioned wall decor can enhance the room’s overall aesthetic, create added height, and give the space a cohesive and visually appealing feel. One of the first considerations is the height of the ceiling. If you have a vaulted ceiling, for example, you may want to incorporate tall wall decor pieces that accentuate the height of the room. On the other hand, if your space has tall walls, you have the opportunity to create a statement piece that draws the eye upward and adds visual interest.

Achieving the right balance between the wall decor and the room’s dimensions is essential. Oversized wall decor can make the space feel cramped, while small art pieces may get lost on the large wall. By understanding the wall proportions, you can select wall decor that complements the living room’s size, creating an inviting and harmonious space.

Recognizing Architectural Features

Another crucial aspect of decorating a large living room wall is recognizing the architectural features of the space. Architectural design elements such as columns, arches, or accent walls can offer opportunities for impactful wall decor. For instance, a large wall adjacent to a floor-to-ceiling window can become a beautiful focal point with the right wall decor.

Consider the height of the ceiling as well. Taller walls allow for the incorporation of vertically oriented art pieces or gallery walls that draw the eye upward, adding a sense of grandeur and drama to the room. By recognizing the architectural features of your living room, you can utilize them to enhance the overall design of your large wall, creating a space that truly showcases your personal style.

Planning Your Wall Decoration

Once you have a clear understanding of your living room wall space, it’s time to plan your wall decoration. Planning is key to creating a cohesive and visually appealing design that reflects your style. Start by considering the focal point of the room and how you can incorporate wall decor to enhance it. Whether it’s a fireplace, a large window, or a statement piece of furniture, the wall decor should complement and accentuate the room’s focal point.

Wall decor can come in various forms, including artwork, mirrors, shelves, and more. Balancing aesthetics and functionality is crucial, as the living room is not only a space for visual appeal but also a functional area where you spend time with family and friends. By carefully planning your wall decoration, you can create a living space that is both visually stunning and practical in design.

Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality

Balancing aesthetics and functionality is the key to a well-designed living space, and this principle applies to wall decor as well. While it’s important to create visual interest and beauty on your large living room wall, it’s equally important to consider the practical aspects of the design.

One popular option for large living room walls is a gallery wall, which allows you to display a collection of artwork, family photos, or other meaningful items. A gallery wall can be a focal point of the room, adding personality and interest. When designing a gallery wall, consider the living room’s overall aesthetic and theme. Coordinate the colors, styles, and sizes of the art pieces to create a cohesive and visually pleasing display.

Additionally, think about the functionality of the wall decor. For example, you may choose to incorporate wall shelves as both a design element and a storage solution. This allows you to display decorative items, books, or plants while keeping the space organized and clutter-free. By striking a balance between aesthetics and functionality, you can create a living space that is both visually appealing and practical in design.

Creating a Rough Sketch

Before diving into the installation of wall decor, it’s helpful to create a rough sketch of your design plan. This can help you visualize the arrangement of design elements, determine the placement of gallery walls and wall shelves, and ensure that the overall design is well-balanced. Here are the steps to consider when creating a rough sketch for your large living room wall:

  • Measure the wall space and gather the dimensions of the wall decor pieces you intend to use.
  • Determine the focal point of the room and plan the placement of the gallery wall, if applicable.
  • Consider the vertical space and how you can utilize it to create visual interest and added height.
  • Incorporate wall shelves into the design, considering both their aesthetic appeal and functionality.
  • Experiment with different arrangements on the floor before committing to the final design.
  • By creating a rough sketch, you can save time, ensure a well-thought-out design, and have a clear visual guide during the installation process. It’s an essential step in creating a large living room wall that truly reflects your style and enhances the overall ambiance of your living space.

Choosing the Right Artwork for Large Walls

Choosing the right artwork for large walls is an exciting opportunity to infuse your space with personality and visual interest. Large walls provide the perfect canvas for creating statement pieces that command attention and set the tone of the room. Before selecting artwork, consider the scale of the wall and the overall design aesthetic of your living room.

A statement piece of art can become the focal point of the room, tying the design elements together and creating a visually stunning space. Look for artwork that evokes emotion and captures your personal style. Whether it’s a large painting, a tapestry, or a sculpture, the right artwork can transform a large wall from a blank space into a captivating visual display.

Types of Artwork Suitable for Large Walls

When selecting artwork for large walls, the options are endless. Large walls provide the opportunity to showcase a wide range of artwork styles and types, each contributing to the overall design of the space. Here are some types of artwork that are suitable for large living room walls:

  • Oversized paintings or canvas prints: These large-scale pieces make a bold statement and add visual interest to the room.
  • Tapestries or wall hangings: These unique and textured pieces can bring warmth, color, and pattern to the wall decor, adding depth to the living room.
  • Sculptures or three-dimensional art: These pieces can create a sense of dimension and texture, adding a sculptural element to the wall decor.
  • Multi-panel artwork: This type of artwork consists of multiple panels that come together to create a cohesive design. It’s an excellent option for adding visual interest and versatility to the large wall space.
  • Large-scale photography: Displaying oversized photographs can create a stunning visual impact and evoke a sense of awe and wonder.
  • When selecting artwork, consider the interior design of the living room, the color palette, and the overall ambiance you want to create. The right artwork can elevate the design of your large living room wall and serve as a conversation piece for years to come.

Tips to Select Appropriate Artwork

Choosing the appropriate artwork for your large living room wall can feel overwhelming, but with a few tips, you can make the process easier and more enjoyable. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when selecting artwork:

  • Work with interior designers or artists: Their expertise can help guide you in finding the ideal artwork that complements your living room design.
  • Consider the focal point: If your living room already has a focal point, such as a fireplace or a large window, choose artwork that complements rather than competes with it.
  • Utilize vertical space: Large walls often have ample vertical space, so consider using artwork that takes advantage of this height and creates a sense of grandeur in the room.
  • By following these tips, you can select artwork that enhances the design of your large living room wall, adds visual interest, and evokes the desired ambiance in the space.

Designing a Gallery Wall on a Large Living Room Wall

A gallery wall is an excellent way to add personality, character, and visual interest to a large living room wall. By curating a collection of art, photographs, and other decorative items, you can create a visually stunning display that showcases your style and design sensibilities. When designing a gallery wall, consider the overall aesthetic of your living room, the available wall space, and the design elements you want to incorporate. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to create a gallery wall that is unique to your living space.

Steps to Design a Gallery Wall

Designing a gallery wall can be a fun and creative process. Follow these steps to create a visually appealing gallery wall on your large living room wall:

  1. Measure the wall space and gather the dimensions of the wall decor pieces you plan to use.
  2. Lay out the wall decor pieces on the floor in front of the wall, experimenting with different arrangements until you find one that appeals to you.
  3. Decide on the focal point of the gallery wall, which could be a large piece of artwork, a collection of mirrors, or any other design element that draws the eye.
  4. Utilize the height of the wall to create added interest and visual impact, placing taller pieces or vertical elements towards the center or ends of the gallery wall.
  5. Consider incorporating a collection of mirrors within the gallery wall design, as they can add depth, natural light, and the illusion of added height to the living space.
  6. By following these steps, you can create a thoughtfully designed gallery wall that transforms your large living room wall into a stunning visual display that reflects your personality and style.

How to Arrange Art in a Gallery Wall

Arranging art in a gallery wall is a creative and personal process. It’s an opportunity to showcase your favorite pieces, create visual interest, and enhance the overall aesthetic of your living room. Here are some tips to help you arrange art in your gallery wall:

  • Choose a focal point: Start by selecting a central piece of art that will serve as the focal point of the gallery wall. This piece should be larger or more visually striking than the surrounding artwork.
  • Mix up the placement of large and small art pieces: Alternate between large and small art pieces to create visual interest and balance within the gallery wall design.
  • Utilize floor lamps or lighting installations: Incorporate floor lamps or lighting fixtures near the gallery wall to draw attention to the artwork and create a warm and inviting ambiance.
  • Incorporate natural light: If possible, position the gallery wall near a window or another natural light source to enhance the visual impact of the artwork.
  • Use architectural design elements: Consider the architectural design elements in your living room, such as wall moldings or columns, and incorporate them into the gallery wall design to add depth and visual interest.
  • With these tips in mind, you can arrange the art in your gallery wall to create a visually dynamic display that adds charm and personality to your living room.

Incorporating Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Mirrors and reflective surfaces can play a significant role in the design of a large living room wall. They have the ability to enhance the room’s feel, amplify natural light, and create visual interest. By incorporating mirrors strategically, you can elevate the overall ambiance of the space and create a stunning focal point. Whether used individually or as part of a collection, mirrors can add depth, make the room feel more spacious, and reflect the beauty of the living space.

Benefits of Using Mirrors in Large Wall Decoration

Using mirrors in large wall decoration offers several benefits that can enhance the visual appeal of your living room. Here are some advantages of incorporating mirrors:

  • Amplifies natural light: Mirrors are known for their ability to reflect light, making the space feel brighter and more open. By placing mirrors strategically on the large wall, you can maximize the natural light in the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Adds visual interest: Mirrors can serve as captivating design elements, adding visual interest to the living room wall. Their reflective surface creates a unique focal point and draws the eye, making the space feel more dynamic and lively.
  • Creates the illusion of added height: Placing mirrors vertically on the large wall can give the illusion of added height, making the room feel more spacious and grand.
  • Enhances the interior design: Mirrors come in various shapes, sizes, and frames, allowing you to choose ones that complement the interior design of your living room. They can be incorporated seamlessly into different decor styles, from modern to traditional, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the space.
  • By incorporating mirrors strategically, you can enjoy the benefits of increased natural light, added visual interest, and an enhanced interior design in your large living room wall decoration.

Ideal Placement of Mirrors

The placement of mirrors in large wall decoration should be carefully considered to maximize their impact. Here are some ideal placements for mirrors:

  • On the wall opposite the room’s focal point: Placing mirrors on the wall that is directly opposite the room’s focal point, such as a fireplace or a statement piece of furniture, can create a visual balance and draw attention to the mirror.
  • In the largest wall space available: Utilize the largest wall space to hang mirrors, especially if you have a collection of mirrors. This ensures that the mirrors have enough room to shine and make a statement.
  • Near natural light sources: Position mirrors near windows or other natural light sources to amplify the light and bring a sense of brightness into the room. The mirrors will reflect the natural light, making the living space feel more open and inviting.
  • In combination with other design elements: Incorporate mirrors as part of a collection of art or wall decor. Pairing mirrors with other design elements, such as paintings or sculptures, creates a visually dynamic and captivating wall display.
  • By considering these ideal placements, you can ensure that mirrors on your large living room wall serve as focal points, enhance the wall space, and contribute to the overall design of the room.

Making Use of Shelves and Display Cabinets

In addition to artwork and mirrors, wall shelves and display cabinets can play a significant role in the design of a large living room wall. These elements not only provide additional storage and display space but also add character and visual interest to the room. By incorporating wall shelves and display cabinets, you can effectively utilize the wall space, showcase decorative items, and enhance the overall interior design of the living space.

Advantages of Wall Shelves and Display Cabinets

Wall shelves and display cabinets offer numerous advantages that make them valuable additions to large living room walls. Here are some advantages of using wall shelves and display cabinets in your living space:

  • Showcase decorative items and personal collections: Wall shelves and display cabinets provide a platform to display your favorite decorative items, such as sculptures, vases, or framed photographs. They allow you to personalize your living space and showcase items that hold sentimental value.
  • Enhance the interior design: Well-designed wall shelves and display cabinets can contribute to the overall interior design of the living room. Whether you opt for sleek, minimalist shelves or ornate, intricately carved cabinets, they can add elegance, visual interest, and sophistication to the room.
  • Provide storage solutions: Large living room walls often have ample wall space, making it ideal for incorporating wall shelves and display cabinets as storage solutions. You can use them to store books, DVDs, or other items, keeping the living space organized and clutter-free.
  • Create a statement piece: Incorporating tall wall shelves or floor-to-ceiling display cabinets can create a statement piece on the large living room wall. These elements draw the eye, adding height and drama to the space.
  • By taking advantage of the benefits of wall shelves and display cabinets, you can enhance the design of your living space, display your favorite items, and create a visually captivating environment.

Styling Your Shelves and Cabinets

When styling your wall shelves and display cabinets, consider the design elements of your living room and the overall interior design you want to achieve. Here are some tips to style your shelves and cabinets effectively:

  • Arrange the items in a visually pleasing way: Display decorative items in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner. Consider the height, color, and texture of the items to create a visually balanced arrangement.
  • Incorporate accent chairs and bar furniture: Place accent chairs or bar furniture near the wall shelves and display cabinets to create a cozy reading nook or a stylish entertaining area. This adds functionality and visual interest to the space.
  • Utilize large wall space effectively: Large wall space provides an opportunity to create a focal point with the shelves and cabinets. Use this space to showcase statement pieces, collectibles, or design elements that reflect your personal style.
  • Showcase a mix of art, decorative items, and plants: Create visual interest by combining various types of decor on the shelves and the top of display cabinets. Incorporate artwork, plants, candles, or other items that complement the existing design of the living room.
  • Play with design elements: Experiment with different design elements, such as textures, colors, and shapes, to create a visually captivating arrangement. Mix and match items with varying heights and sizes to add depth and visual appeal to the shelves.
  • By styling your wall shelves and display cabinets thoughtfully, you can create a living space that is both functional and visually appealing, incorporating design elements that reflect your personal style and enhance the overall interior design of the room.

What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid While Decorating a Large Living Room Wall?

When decorating a large living room wall, it’s important to be mindful of potential mistakes that can detract from the overall design of the space. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Overcrowding the wall: Resist the temptation to fill every inch of the wall with decor. Overcrowding can make the space feel cluttered and overwhelming. Instead, opt for a few carefully selected statement pieces that have a significant visual impact.
  • Placing all art pieces at the same eye level: Hanging all art pieces at the same eye level can create a monotonous and flat appearance. Experiment with different heights and placements to add depth and visual interest to the wall decor.
  • Using shelves and display cabinets that overpower the living space: While shelves and display cabinets can add character and functionality to the living room, avoid using oversized or overpowering furniture that dominates the space. Choose pieces that are proportionate to the room and complement the overall design.
  • Neglecting natural light sources: When planning the wall decor, take into account the natural light sources in the room. Avoid placing large mirrors or other reflective surfaces in locations that create unwanted glare or visual distractions.
  • Failing to consider the room’s proportions: Be mindful of the room’s proportions when selecting wall decor. Decorative pieces that are too large or too small for the space can throw off the balance and harmony of the room.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your large living room wall decor enhances the interior design of the space, provides visual interest, and creates a harmonious living environment.


In conclusion, decorating a large living room wall requires careful consideration of proportions, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Understanding the space and recognizing architectural features will help you plan your wall decoration effectively. Choosing the right artwork, such as large-scale pieces or a gallery wall, can make a statement and fill the space beautifully. Incorporating mirrors and reflective surfaces can add depth and brightness to the room. Additionally, utilizing shelves and display cabinets not only provides storage but also allows you to showcase decorative items and personalize the space. Avoiding common mistakes, such as overcrowding or neglecting the wall, is crucial for a balanced and visually pleasing result. So, take your time, plan strategically, and transform your large living room wall into a stunning focal point that reflects your personal style.

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